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Menu Widget



This widget allows you to create your website’s menu, where you can add/edit menu items, duplicate/remove existing menus, manage menu links through the menu items, and change the hierarchy of the menu components so that you may develop submenus.

“Menu” section is separated into two main tabs: “Settings” and “Design”.

“Menu” widget has the following features: “All Menus”, “Devices”, “Alignment” & “Spacing”.

“All Menus” – This option allows you to choose the menu from a list of menus.

You can also click the “Edit” button in order to open the Menu widget’s structure for further editing.

If you wish to make a fresh menu, please choose the “Create New Menu” button. Please enter a name for your menu in the field provided and click the “Add” button.

If you wish to have a duplicate menu – please click the “Duplicate” button/icon next to the menu name you would like to duplicate. If you wish to remove a menu – please click the “Remove” button.

Please note: you can only duplicate the Default Menu. It’s not possible to remove it.

In order to add a new menu item please click the “Add New Menu Item” button.

You will then be shown two fields: “Name” and “Link To”.

“Name” – this allows you to edit the menu item’s title.

“Link To” – allows you to select where the menu item will link to e.g a page, post or even an external URL

You can edit or remove menu items using appropriate buttons/icons in the same way that the whole menu could be duplicated or removed.

“Edit” area shares the same features that are presented in the “Add New Menu Item” section.

Please note: The number of menu items is unlimited but consider the available space. The depth of sub menus is limited to 3.

You may drag and drop menu items on this screen using your mouse cursor to arrange them. When you drag a menu item, you’ll notice a dotted border around it. This is the area where you can place your menu item.

If you wish to create several input levels (up to 3) – you need to drag the item under necessary main menu item and move it slightly to the right (dotted line will be visually moved to the right).

If you move a main menu item that has submenu items – all submenu items will be automatically moved as well (you can see this as you drag the menu item around).

When you are happy with the menu items make sure to save menu changes – by clicking the “Save Menu” button.

“Design” You can personalise the menu and the menu items by selecting from the presets for the regular menu widget and its hover appearance.

“Sticky Preset Name” can be used if your Menu widget is located in the Container widget, where the “Sticky” feature is enabled, allowing you to scroll the page and always see your menu widget on top stuck to the top of the screen. For example, you can enable Preset 1 for the “Preset Name” showing one design of the menu widget while not scrolling the page. If you select Preset 2 or 3 for the Sticky Preset Name” – the menu will look different when you scroll the page.

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