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This widget allows you to create a simple Contact Form and receive emails from site’s visitors.
"Contact Form" widget is separated for two tabs: "Settings" and "Design".
"Contact Form" widget has the following features and blocks: "Email To", "Form Fields", "Form Settings", "Spacing", "Animation".
Email To - This field specifies your email account details, where emails will be delivered. Emails will be sent to the email address specified in the admin user profile if this field is empty.
There are 6 main fields: "Name", "Email", "Phone", "Address", "Subject", "Attach File", "Message" and "Agreement" (for GDPR purposes). You can make each field mandatory feature (*) for each field separately by using Field Mandatory button (“*”), on the right side of each field.
All fields can be disabled/not shown. For example you can set the "Email" field for your contact form as disabled using the checkbox next to the fields name. This will allow you to collect all the other fields checked except the visitor’s email address.
"Agreement" field allows you to enable a checkbox field which won't allow the visitor to complete the form without accepting your terms and conditions. You can set links to website pages related to privacy policy, licence agreement, Terms and Conditions etc. You can edit the default text via "Edit" button. You can enable the Text Editor via a switcher and customise your text styles or use text links via "Link" icon.
Each form field has an icon with two columns dotted circles on the left hand side, which you can use to drag and reorder the form fields in the Contact Form.
This section allows you to edit the form field’s status messages. You can edit the following: "Send Button Text", "Success Message", "Error Message for Mandatory Fields" and "Error Message for Email Field".
"Make Form Inline" feature allows you to use the horizontal Contact Form/MailChimp widget. Please be careful as it may negatively impact the design of the current Contact Form.
You can select, whether it's vertical or horizontal on different devices if you disable/enable the device icon. You can set spacing between the form fields/elements.
"Action" - this dropdown allows you to select from a variety of link options like "go to page" etc.
"Reset Form" - with this checkbox selected will automatically clear all contact form fields after the sending the email.
"Design" tab contains a number of presets, which change the visual appearance of the Contact Form widget.
The "Button Styles" section allows you to alter the appearance of buttons in the Contact Form widget, such as "Send Button," "Attach Button," their size and alignment.
Go Edit is the fastest and most powerful website builder in the UK. We help you to create an amazing website that will make your business stand out online without any coding knowledge or prior expertise. All of our templates are designed by professional designers, so they're sure to impress potential clients when they visit your site. Our drag-and-drop system allows you to easily create a responsive website with all the features that you could ever need for success on the internet!